Consider Experience Listings & Hero Slideshows: There’s an entire section of our consumer website dedicated to experience categories, such as Foodie, Beach, Golf, Family, Weddings, Meetings, and so on. These high-traffic pages are each SEO-optimized for their travel theme, and we also put a dedicated SEM program behind promoting them. If your property is a good match for any of those experience categories, you should consider our Marketing Tiers program. This allows you to choose one or more (up to unlimited!) experience categories to feature your property. The Marketing Tiers program also offers the option to be featured in your state’s home page slide show and our gift card page slideshow. Tip #1: Properties with 15 or fewer rooms receive a 50% discount on Marketing Tiers. Tip #2: If you participate in the Groups, Weddings, or Meetings categories, you receive direct leads and requests for quotes from our site. See here for the Marketing Tiers pricing and information.